Prof. K.S Suresh
Qualification: B.Com, LL.M.,
Email: suresh@jsslawcollege.in
Mobile No: +91-9686677266
Papers presented on
Training Imparted
Projects Undertaken
Membership & Other
Papers presented on
- Child rights, Atrocities against women, SC/STs, Women’s Rights, Theories of Justice, Right to Information Domestic Violence, POCSO, Appreciation of Evidence.
- Principles of Natural Justice, Bills on Higher Education Human Rights.
Training Imparted
- Participated regularly in training porgrammes of officers of the Union and State Services such as IAS, IPS, IRS, KAS, KSPS etc,.
- Participated in more than 500 Training programmes across the country as resource person for Government, Public and private sector personnel on different branches law.
- More than 30000 officers have attended these programmes in the last 20 years
Projects Undertaken
- Human Rights – Outreach project on Tribal Rights Sponsored by the British Commission.
- Community legal literacy Programme by sponsored by State Legal Services Authority
- Project on Legal aid and literacy on Gandhian principles sponsored by NCRI
- Projects of NHRC, SHRC, Women’s Commission etc.
Membership & Other
- Member, Academic Council of the autonomous college, Yuvaraja College, Mysore.
- Malpractice Lapses Enquiry Committee, Syndicate, Senate, Academic Council, Board of Examination, Affiliation Committee of universities.
- Institutional Human Ethical Committee, Women’s Cell, University Grievance Committee, Anti-ragging Committee of several institutions.
- Sexual Harassment Inquiry Committees of Universities, Central and state government departments and autonomous bodies.
Held membership of the following:
- Syndicate Member, Mysore University (2005-2007)
- Chairman, Board of Examination University of Mysore.
- Member, Affiliation Committee University of Mysore, Mysore
- Member Academic Council, University of Mysore, Mysore
- Member, Faculty of law, Kuvempu University, Shimoga.
- Senate Member, University of Mysore, Mysore
- Institutional Human Ethical Committee, JSS Pharmacy College, Mysore
- Women’s Cell, University of Mysore, Mysore.
- University Grievance Committee
- Animal Ethical Committee JSS Medical College.
- Member, Academic Council, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli.
- JSS Consultancy Trust, JSS Mahavidya Peetha
- Reading current affairs, Philosophy and spirituality.